A lot has happened since we first starting hanging out earlier this morning. In the past month I've experienced more than my share of foul play on the pavement. Those readers who know me know exactly what I'm talking about.
Several weeks back I went on a very long (ok, only like 7hrs) mountain bike ride on the road. During this ride I was passed by a truck carrying chickens. This was the first time I've experienced this. They smell bad. The chickens were basically all crammed into these cages that were stacked on the back of this truck and as it whizzed by I got a whiff and some feathers in my face. Gross.
About ten minutes later as I was just riding along (JRA) I spotted what looked like discarded diapers in the road. As I got closer I recognized the white blobs as chickens rather than diapers. Apparently the chickens tried to escape and didn't realize that exiting a moving vehicle was a bad idea. Idiots. There were like three of them in the road with their voluptuous breasts all splayed out on the pavement. For shame. This was road foul number one.
Numero dos: A few weeks later while coasting down lake wheeler road I watched a white goose cross the road. I couldn't tell you why he was crossing the road, but the car that was coming the other way didn't even flinch as it ran that sucker over with authority. That goose should have probably hurried a little more.
Please refer to the following diagram:
From time point 0 to 1 the goose is operating at normal waddling speed behind his friends.
At point 1 he sees either,
a) me
b) the car
c) both
and increases waddling speed to maximum waddle.
Point 2 car thuds into goose, causing a rapid increase in velocity.
Points 3 to 4 grass and pavement slow the goose down, and he's reached his friends.
Game over.