Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This one is mine. There will be more. I will never make the best photograph of 'Raleigh'. Instead, I'll do my best to record the images that will remind me of the Raleigh I know. This project will last at least another roll and hopefully not more than another year.

Y'all don't know me, Herc-nasty

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Textures, patterns and other

Mostly these are other. You'll notice a border around each image. This is the edge of the negative. Each strip of black and white film was scanned and converted to a jpeg file. I may have adjusted the brightness and contrast on as many as three of the images. Otherwise they haven't been altered. My lack of cropping is why you see the edge of the negative in each picture. I read somewhere that some photographers will actually make prints that show the edge of the negative like this as a way of showing that they had the forethought to compose the photograph the way they wanted it before actually taking the picture. I try to do this as much as possible for a variety of reasons. The one in here that was cropped, I cropped because I held the camera a little crooked so my lines that should have been parallel with the edge of the frame were not.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I made it

The mountain bike season is officially over. In the end I have raced approximately 600 miles and trained for countless more. I am currently ranked 10th overall in the National Ultra Endurance Series and 9th in USA Cycling's national ranking for endurance racing.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ahh nuts

The current photo concept is textures and patterns. Here are my dirty nuts that turned out to be cleaner than I had hoped.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How Long

How long will my hair actually get if I leave it alone for a while? After pressing the 'reset' button on my hair growth with a highly unpopular haircut at the end of July I started wondering about this.

How long should I wait before I cut it. Your vote will determine my fate. For a limited time only you may vote, I promise not to cut it until the date with the most votes. The poll is on the right.