We started at 10:00 and it was already probably 85 degrees. The race started downtown so we went on a nice group ride on pavement for the first 20 minutes or so. Some dude on the Jittery Joe's U25 team took off on us. Nobody really felt like chasing. Then Harlen started to go. I felt like chasing. He sat up, I kept going figuring it might be worth the extra effort to get into the woods alone rather that with a big and potentially dangerous group.
I was right. About halfway through the first lap Harlan caught me. I rode his wheel and by the end of the lap we caught the Jittery Joe's guy. We rode together. My cleat came loose. I picked up hay in my cassette and had to stop to pull it out. I caught back on. I felt really good on Harlan's wheel. After two laps he caught a root and fell down. I kept going.
Because I had burned a few matches to catch back on after my mishaps, I figured it was only fair to make them work a little. After a lap Harlan caught back on, without the company of the Jittery Joe's guy. We rode together for another lap. I fell down. He kept going. I caught back up just in time to start cramping. I realized that it was over 100 degrees and I hadn't been drinking enough. I averaged two bottles per 40 minute lap. I stopped sweating. I felt bad. I went slow. The Jittery Joe's guy blew past me like I was having a bad day. I was, for a little while.
I started going a little faster. After 4.5 hours I was the third person to cross the finish line for the last time. Not too bad all things considered. Also I learned a few things, one is that I can ride with those famous guys that do this more or less full time. Secondly, slow and steady does not win the race, but fast and steady does.
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