Sunday, August 23, 2009

Round 3

These are the last of the vacation 2009 photos. We'll have to wait until vacation 2010 before I shoot, develop, and scan a whole load of black and white negatives again.

In no particular order, I've posted these photos chronologically starting with some light reading in the morning.

and a few shots of the sky, after getting a yellow filter..

Then we drove over the Sundance for some freestyle lounging.

I have no idea who this woman is on her phone, but just thought it was funny that she was chatting away.

Sister bear and Poppa bear took a hike with me to see a waterfall. This was on the way.

The falls:

The way back:

The gang:

That's all, until next year.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

2 down one to go

These are a few scans from two more rolls. I have one more to finish and for some reason I don't feel as compelled to shoot here in Raleigh as I did in any of the other aforementioned locations.

Monday, August 10, 2009


I went there and everything. I even have the pictures to prove it. In no particular order I'll be posting them chronologically as they were taken.

Vacation 2009 started with a wedding, congratulations Justin and Jess, and then took me to Maine, Massachusetts and finally, Utah.

Hiking in Utah, aspen trees, a sculpture, Park City and a brew pub. . .