Sunday, October 25, 2009

More pix

I took some pictures at the NC state fair early in the morning. I also took a few pictures while I was home last weekend. Here are some of them:

I went to the fair with Joel and Herc Nasty, Joel walked through my shot so I got to blur him:


  1. what i like about...
    #1: shadows
    #2: the blur
    #3: angle and background focus
    #4: warning sign
    #5: gray and white contrast, wetness
    #6: motion and crack
    #7: blur
    #8: creepiness
    #9: undulating creepiness
    Overall: melancholic with an underlying river of quiet desperation, despondency, and sense of intrinsic off-centeredness, of being out of place.
    But then again, that's just what I get from it, and art is perspective, right?
    Nice work.
